

Clean water and sanitation is a basic human right that is too often a scarcity is some of our poorest communities. Sri Lanka unfortunately has many such communities. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals identifies clean water and sanitation as one the top priorities in eliminating poverty. Here at OC Lions we have organized to help reach this goal. 

Eramulla Middle School Bathroom Project

Project Leader: Imandi Mendis

This project focused on improving hygiene at Eramulla Middle School, Kahaduwa, an underprivileged school located in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka, schools are re-opening, however Covid-19 continues to flourish throughout the country. Considering the fact that Covid-19 transmission can be prevented through sanitation, it was crucial to contain sanitary bathrooms in the newly opened schools in order to protect the children from Covid-19. This project raised money to build Eramulla Middle School a new bathroom for the children and faculty to execute proper sanitation practices and reduce the likelihood of Covid-19 infection. 

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